How Healthy is Your Brain?
Now we can give you direct measurements of brain function. We have a portable EEG scanner, the WAVI headset, that measures non-invasively brain function in real time. Wavi brain scans provide information about regional brain activity, processing power, and auditory and reaction time. All these assessments can be compared to “normals” for your age, and alert us when your brain is aging too rapidly. The scan takes 30 minutes and cost $185. (Minimum cost of an EEG at a hospital is around $300 and does not provide these functional assessments.)
Who should get a Wavi brain scan?
People who have/had:
Family history of dementia
Personal history of head or brain injury
Personal history of Cancer chemotherapy
High risk sports participation (football, soccer, mountain biking, etc.)
Loss of taste or hearing
High blood pressure
Diabetes or high blood sugar
High Cholesterol
History of Stroke
Obstructive sleep apnea
Prolonged general anesthesia
Chronic neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson’s Disease
Open Heart Surgery
Menopausal cognitive decline
Anyone who is concerned about their memory