Nutritional Testing
One of the most thorough nutrient panels available at a great price. 43 nutrients measured both inside and outside of the cell. Intracellular levels give you the status of the micro-nutrient reserve while the serum (extra-cellular) tells you about the recent nutrient status. This panel provides nutritional insights to any chronic health problem.
-Vibrant America (Not covered by insurance)
Comprehensive Stool Testing
Helios offers two fine labs for comprehensive stool testing, GI Effects by Genova and GI Map by Diagnostic Solutions. Each lab offers measurements of dysbiosis, good and bad bacteria, parasites, and yeast detection by very sensitive methodologies. Also, each lab offers testing for maldigestion, malabsorption, and inflammation. Discuss with your Helios practitioner which is the most appropriate for you.
-Genova or Diagnostic Solutions, Each costing $189 to $389 depending on insurance coverage. 100% cover by Medicare part B.
Hormone Testing
While Quest, Labcorp, and Vibrant America offer many ways to test adrenal, thyroid, and sex hormones, there are more sophisticated labs for testing the complexities of adrenal hormones.
Diagnostechs offers a four sample saliva test that is great for looking at the flux of cortisol as you move through your day. Normally cortisol levels start high in the morning and drop throughout the day to rise again by the next morning. Looking at your cortisol curve tells a lot about the health of your cortisol stress response. The Adrenal Stress Index also includes precursor hormones in the cortisol pathway.
-Diagnostechs ASI, $200 (Not covered by insurance)
Meridian Valley offers a comprehensive steroid pathway urine test that gives a wonderful view of both branches of the Adrenal Steroid Pathway: glucocorticoids and mineral corticoids. This testing helps to be sure that the steroid cascade is well observed in complex cases where patients are already taking adrenal support, either herbal or prescription steroids.
-Meridian Valley, Starting at $199 (Not covered by insurance)
This is a superb evaluation of the validity of individual allergic response to wheat and gluten. Not only can it tell you weather you should avoid gluten, it can tell you just just how much auto immune reactions are related to the gluten immune response. It includes typical and atypical celiac autoimmune antibody levels. What is very valuable about this panel is the autoimmune antibody levels to intestinal protein structures. These allow us to detect the inflammation of leak gut associated with gluten immune response.
-Vibrant America (Not covered by insurance)
Wheat Zoomer
Environmental Allergy Testing
ELISA/ACT biotechnology is a venerable lab for food and environmental sensitivity testing. Their methodology is superior to testing antibodies to foods and environmental allergens. While antibody testing measures type II hypersensitivity reactions in your body, it entirely misses type III, type IV, and a portion of type II reactions. It’s better to choose a lab whose results cover all delayed hyper-sensitivities. (Types II-IV, Type I is skin testing) What is more, ELISA allows to choose panels that cover a large variety of foods. Over 200 foods, 60 environmental chemicals, 8 heavy metals, 28 molds, 15 food additives and 15 food colors; from a lab that has got its act together. You’ll be impressed by the thoroughness of recommendations they provided with their testing.
-ELISA/ACT (Not covered by insurance)