What is Integrative Medicine?
Integrative Medicine can be difficult to define. It isn’t one-size-fits-all medicine. Practitioners access different modalities based on the unique needs of their patient. The approach, however, is the same - really focusing on the patient. One way to understand the diverse presentations of Integrative Medicine is to see it as the intersection of conventional medicine, complementary medicine, and self care.
At Helios we complement Conventional Medicine with Traditional Chinese Medicine, homeopathy, Functional Medicine, Western Herbalism, Nutritional Medicine and promote self care.
Conventional Medicine relies largely on drugs, surgery, and emergency care. This approach focuses on the complaints and problems of diseases that have already developed though it doesn't promote self care and preventative care as much. It is clear to us that Conventional Medicine needs more.
Functional Medicine endeavors to treat functional disorders. These are complaints which are not severe enough to qualify as “disease” nonetheless cause great distress. Functional Medicine testing explores the gap between health and disease, and strives to identify the root cause of the problems in functionality. Ordering functional medicine testing and applying the results is a skill set we at Helios have been refining over 3 decades.
Nutritional Medicine is the use of nutrients to treat disease. Nutrients fuel our cells and tissues. If nutrient levels are low, cells and tissues may not function properly. We prescribe oral, injectable and/or intravenous nutrients depending on the deficit of the nutrient and the needs of the patient. We have a vibrant Infusion therapy program. Our IV protocols have been refined over many years to support those who don’t respond to oral supplements alone. What is more, many of our IV protocols prevent relapse of symptoms helping patients to reach a more resilient state of health.
Self care is the place where we apply the five essential life habits. These are restorative sleep, the best food choices for you, exercise, rich social life, and inner emotional and spiritual life. We strongly believe that when we integrate conventional and complementary medicines we reinforce these essential life habits, deepening each patient's understanding of what they need to remain healthy.
Complementary Medicine marries other systems (paradigms) outside of conventional medicine. They include Functional and Nutritional Medicines, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, Ayurveda, western herbology and many other systems of healing. This approach heavily promotes prevention and self care.
When we put this all together at Helios our patients find they can make more sense of their health and the messages their bodies are sending them. We believe this is what healing is all about.