Treating Long Covid
Antiviral Therapy
Antiviral therapy can come in many forms: vitamins, herbs, prescriptions, including Palovid (currently being studied in Long Haulers). Long term COVID patients commonly have reactivation of herpes viruses such as simplex or Epstein Barr. In addition, COVID itself may remain active in the body in some patients. Directly attacking all viral infections can unburden the immune system and set it on a path to repair.
Immune Support
Natural killer cells are the specialized part of your immune system that targets and removed virally infected cells. Their function can be measured with a blood test. Based on your natural killer cell function, we can target your immune support with intravenous and oral Vitamin C, low dose naltrexone, medicinal mushrooms, thymic protein, and immune herbs to achieve a once again robust immune system.
Reducing Inflammation
Inflammation generated by COVID19 sets the immune system on high alert and depletes the body of its anti-oxidant protection. This can also result in micro blood clots of small blood vessels throughout the body. By identifying specific nutrient depletion we can effectively prescribe oral, intravenous, or topical replacement therapy to put out the fire and resorb small blood clots. Chinese medicine can stimulate the growth of new blood vessels to restore healthy blood flow. We can also help each patient identify inflammatory foods in their diet. Removing these foods can greatly speed recovery.
Nutritional Medicine
Treating disease with nutrients has been a discipline that conventional medicine has lost touch with. We, however, have been practicing nutritional medicine for 30 years. Liposomal preparations can help target nutrients to the brain to repair the blood-brain barrier and respiratory tract. This gives each CCC patient the option to treat some of their conditions with nutrients as medicines, a more natural approach.
Digestive Support
COVID 19 is known to infect the digestive tract, causing diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. When this digestive disruption persist it drags down the healing process. As two thirds of immune system resides adjacent to the gut lining, our immune function is intimately dependent on gut health. Poor digestion, abnormal bacterial, yeast, or parasites burden the immune system. Fostering healthy microbiome, removing detrimental organisms and restoring healthy digestion and absorption serves to speeds up recovery from COVID19.
Improving Deep Sleep
Removing all obstacles to restorative sleep is a central goal of treatment of long term COVID. Deep sleep is essential for healing the brain and its detoxification. We use a variety of pro-sleep nutrients, rebalancing stress hormones and identifying any oxygen needs to restore the healing benefits of sleep. We also prescribe nutrients that speed the repair of the blood-brain barrier when their is evidence of its injury.
Many idiosyncratic or unique symptoms are amenable to homeopathy. These symptoms by virtue of their unusualness may defy conventional medical explanation and treatment. Such symptomatology is just what homeopathy is wonderful at treating.
Hormone Balancing
Hormones play an essential role in our health and are likely to become dysfunctional under the stress of COVID19. Restoring stress hormones, sex and thyroid hormones is essential to recapturing your health.
Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
Chinese Medicine, including herbs and acupuncture, has been successfully treating epidemics for over 2000 years. Modern research backs up tradition. Chinese herbal combinations have been rigorously studied and used to repair lung tissue, damaged blood vessels and stimulate the growth new blood vessels. The right combination of acupuncture and herbs will calm an over-active immune system, combat fatigue, heal injured tissues and regulate the digestion to bring the body back into balance and restore health.
Intravenous Nutrient Therapy
The use of intravenously high dose nutrients has been a potent and safe therapy for decades. At CCC we have seen profound results with using these nutrients in medicinal and antiviral doses. The most common I.V. nutrients include:
-High dose vitamin C-a broad spectrum antiviral
-Glutathione- neural and respiratory protectant, detoxifier
-Alpha lipoic acid- essential in energy production, neural restorative
-Myer’s cocktail- excellent adrenal formula, restorative for deficient magnesium
-B12 shots- Neural restorative
-NAD+ improve energy production
Healing the Lungs
A great deal of basic science research has illuminated the various ways COVID19 wreaks havoc on the fine structure of the lungs. Lung blood vessels and the microscopic air sacs where the exchange of oxygen occurs often need repair. Glutathione delivered by inhalation, infusion, and oral liposomal form, speed the restoration of these fine structures. Cooling off the heat in the blood vessels is equally important for the lungs. Likewise, resorbing microvascular blood clots is important to improve healthy blood flow in the lungs. Supplementation with omega three fatty acids, nutrients that speed resolution of blood clots, and nutrients essential for cellular energy production are the core of our anti-inflammatory strategy. These very same treatments may rejuvenate lost sense of smell and taste.