
Pierre Brunschwig Pierre Brunschwig

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Pandemic's 4th Wave

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We will not be scheduling for our Infusion Clinic from September 30th to October 11th.

Please schedule your upcoming Infusions soon. Keeping in mind there will be limited appointment times available to maintain social distancing.







Colorado is seeing its fourth wave of COVID19. It is driven by the delta variant in unvaccinated Coloradans. Nationally, this is seen quite easily in the states with the lowest vaccination rates where there are the most COVID19 cases. (see the two-nation maps above) Delta variant is hunting down the unvaccinated and spreading to the vaccinated in places where there are fewer vaccinated. Conversely,  the vaccinated are helping to protect the unvaccinated in areas where there are high rates of vaccination.

United States Covid19 Cases

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Colorado Covid19 Cases

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Five Facts to Help You

1. Unvaccinated people are 5 times more likely to contract COVID than those vaccinated.

2. The unvaccinated are 27 times more likely to be hospitalized compared to those vaccinated.

3. Delta variant on average spreads to 7 people for each person it infects. With previous variants, this number was only 2 people.

4. The frequency of long Covid syndrome (6 months or more of symptoms following acute COVID) is estimated to be 50-60% regardless of severity. This is a biggie. You may have a mild COVID19 case only to struggle with your health for months or years afterward. A very recent study showed that long COVID patients have a frightening number of autoimmune antibodies, many of which attack the nervous system.

5. Vaccinated people are less likely to contract the delta variant than those who developed natural immunity from an earlier variant infection. In other words,  if you had COVID19 earlier in the pandemic you are STILL at risk and STILL benefit from vaccination.

These five facts create a strong rationale for getting vaccinated against COVID19. The Delta variant is going to be with us for a long time and will eventually infect nearly all who are not vaccinated. We are seeing creeping increases in COVID19 infections in Boulder county for several reasons.

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  • We are ALL pandemic weary and a lot of people are forgetting to use the precautionary steps that keep us safe- masking, distancing ourselves, and avoiding crowded places.  Therefore, Boulder County has reinstated the mask mandate for ALL public indoor spaces.

  • We are not taking temperatures or oxygen levels upon arrival.  People who contract delta spread many more virus particles BEFORE developing symptoms. This leads to very rapid spread in communities.  We continue to ask that if you're not feeling well prior to your visit,  please call ahead of time to change to a phone or video appointment.

  • There has not been effective communication on just how well these vaccines work. No vaccine is perfect and the delta variant seems to break through vaccination more often than previous variants.

  • PLEASE, if you are on the fence about getting vaccinated then NOW is the time to get vaccinated. Don’t put yourself and those closest to you at risk for hospitalization and the disabling symptoms of long COVID.

Preparing for Fall


If FDA authorizes and ACIP recommends a booster dose, the goal is for the first people eligible for a booster dose to be those who were the first to receive a COVID-19 vaccination (those who are most at risk). This includes healthcare providers, residents of long-term care facilities, and other older adults. This means if you received early vaccination and it's been 8 months or more since you received your first dose and you belong to the above groups then get a third shot. (ACIP: Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices)


Influenza immunization protects you from the flu and the immunological boost helps to prevent other viruses for kids and adults. We are now offering preservative-free flu shots. Call to schedule yours soon.

For ages 3-64 the regular dose cost is $40. For ages 65 and older, the high dose cost is $90.


We are offering a contactless test for three common viruses in one swab- COVID19, influenza, and RSV. The turnaround time for this triple virus test is 3-4 days. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a winter virus, however, it is rampantly spreading this summer and we are expecting it to continue this fall.


-a note from Helios’s Dr. Hampton

What’s wonderful about a medical system that has been used for over 2,000 years is that there is nothing new under the sun. The symptoms of COVID long-haul patients that I have been treating thus far are understandable in a diagnostic sense and therefore treatable. In other words, there is hope and there are solutions available!

Chinese herbal remedies can be customized to the individual to treat symptoms as they present and as they change during the course of the treatments. We have very specific herbs to treat damages to the circulatory system, the immune system, nervous system, as well as the digestive tract. 

The use of acupuncture can expedite healing by giving the body resources in injured areas to heal. Points chosen over (or related to) injured areas provide increased circulation to nourish organs and tissues.  In many cases, the nervous system is in overdrive as the body has been through a prolonged battle with this complex virus. Acupuncture has an immediate effect on down-regulating the nervous system allowing the body to enter into its parasympathetic “healing” mode.  

I am so excited and honored to offer an effective solution to those that have been suffering. I am confident the Helios team can help see people through the woods on their healing journey.

到了你的身体! (To your health!)

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Pierre Brunschwig Pierre Brunschwig

Helios Mid-Summer Newsletter

Please vote for us for “Best Holistic Care/ Wellness Center” on the

Daily Camera

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Dr. Brunschwig will be out of the office the week of July 26th.

The Helios Apothecary is featuring WishGarden Herbs (a local Louisville company) Catnip Oil Bug spray to keep the bugs away whilst we enjoy outdoor activities this summer. Call to order ahead, or stop by to pick yours up today.

Catnip Oil bug spray is available in 2oz bottles for $12.99 

Warm weather is wonderful, until the bugs come out to play. Recent research has indicated that Catnip oil is a more effective insect repellent than other essential oil extracts. WishGarden Herbs' Catnip Oil Bug Spray is a great alternative to chemical-based bug repellents. Safe for children of all ages.

  • Natural alternative to chemical-based insect repellents.*

  • Non-GMO and gluten-free.*

Smoke Season

We are in the dog days of summer and for much of the West, this means wildfires and the smoke they generate. Such smoke generates fine particulates. If they are ultra-small (less than 2.5 micrometers-PM2.5) then they can travel into the fine structure of the lung and into the bloodstream. We want to keep you healthy during the smoke season. Consider the following:

1-Austin Air Purifiers- these are real workhorses and built to last. We use several of these units in our office and a couple of them are approaching 20 years old. They come with carbon filtration for removing fumes/gases or for particle filtration only. The filters are easy to replace and last for up to five years, depending on usage. We are able to order these air purifiers at a bit of a discount to you, please call the Apothecary to order or with questions! 

2- Those with allergies or sensitivities to smoke may want to try Homeopathic sulfuric acid (30C) 1-4x/day depending on the degree of sensitivity or amount of smoke exposure.

3- Those who have severe lung diseases consider nebulized glutathione. This is a safe and effective way to apply this restorative amino acid to the lung tissue to protect and heal damaged lung tissue. We have to order this as a prescription, however we would be delighted to do so to anyone who feels it could benefit. Consider this if you have severe asthma, COPD, emphysema, post COVID pneumonia, pulmonary embolism or cystic fibrosis, or chronic bronchitis.

4- Wear a N95 mask on heavy smoke days


On July 13th The Wall Street Journal did an article on latent viruses such as Epstein Barr in long-haulers. Dr. Brunschwig is interviewed in this piece. If you’d like to read the article use the following link:

Wall Street Journal Article

If you know someone struggling to recover weeks or months after COVID19 have them contact us. Also, is a great resource.

CDC recommends holistic care of long-haulers. Yep,  it's in their guidance to physicians.

Coronavirus Update

The bad news is that the coronavirus delta variant is more contagious and spreading in unvaccinated populations rapidly this summer. The good news is that if you are vaccinated then you are protected from this variant. COVID19 infections 99.5% are in unvaccinated people. To date, there is no sign that a booster is needed. 

If you are not vaccinated and have concerns about COVID vaccines please let us know if we can help. Dr. Hampton (OMD) has seen a number of patients who have underlying conditions that may make COVID vaccination riskier. Dr. Hampton not only can assess your energetics for such susceptibilities she can treat those energetic imbalances with Chinese herbs and acupuncture. This can be a pathway to safely getting the COVID19 vaccine.


Masks are still required in our office. We would love to throw away our masks, however, in order to preserve medical privacy we are requiring everyone to wear a mask. Masking only the unvaccinated would unfairly divulge their medical history. Rest assured the entire Helios staff is fully vaccinated. 

Don’t throw your masks away if you are vaccinated. We are fortunate that Colorado has a reasonably good vaccination rate and the front range has been very quiet with COVID19. We will see another wave of delta variant-driven infections this summer and fall. The pandemic is not over.

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Pierre Brunschwig Pierre Brunschwig

Helios Spring Newsletter

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Helios Offers Long Covid19 Care

Helios is at the forefront of Integrated care for sufferers of long-term problems of COVID19. You may have met someone who has been struggling to regain their health months after having COVID19. We are carefully watching the science of COVID19 and the care of COVID long-haulers, to provide effective Integrative care for these concerning chronic symptoms. We are working closely with “Survivor Corps”, the largest and most complete website for tracking the research and experience of long COVID19 sufferers. They have graciously offered to include us in their COVID care center listing.

The Helios Family Continues to Grow!

You may have met Marcos Quintana who is currently training at the front desk. Marcos will soon start training for blood draws and Medical Assistant responsibilities. We will be joined in June by Margarite who will start training in June. These awesome additions to the Helios staffing family will allow us to more efficiently meet your medical needs in 2021.

How to Know if You Have Had Covid19


This is a good question. Many times COVID19 is asymptomatic. As the kinds of symptoms from post-acute COVID19 vary widely, how does one figure out if new symptoms are a post COVID19 condition? Most of the common antibody tests detect the spike protein antibody, which is also generated after the Coronavirus vaccines. This means that these antibody tests cannot distinguish between immunity for COVID19 or from the vaccine. Fortunately, Vibrant America has an antibody panel that detects the antibody to the Coronavirus nucleic protein. This antibody elevated in blood strongly indicates that you have had COVID 19, even if you were asymptomatic. This antibody panel also detects elevations in 3 antibodies to the spike protein. When these antibodies are elevated, it strongly indicates that your vaccine was effective. There is also a cellular immunity test offered by Boston Heart Labs that more thoroughly detects immunity to Coronavirus. Let us know if you think that either of these tests are appropriate for you.

Covid19 Vaccination Concerns

Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, as you may know, are based on messenger RNA from the Coronavirus. Injection of this mRNA prompts the production of the Coronavirus spike protein which is then seen by the immune system as foreign. Subsequently, one’s immune system knows how to recognize this Coronavirus protein which prevents one from getting COVID19- the illness. 


This type of vaccine is new. The only previous mRNA vaccine had been the ebola vaccine. Understandably many are concerned about the long term ill effects of this new vaccine type. One especially common concern is that the mRNA will stay in one’s body or insert itself into our DNA causing long term problems. Hang in here with me because a little (and probably more than you want) molecular biology is needed. First mRNA is a message and like all messages, it is vital for your body to clear the old messages to see clearly the new ones. All of your cells are constantly destroying mRNA after it is read. If it didn’t do so, we would be a molecular mess. 

Much like a chalkboard that was never erased before new information was written on it. What is more, you have circulating in your blood small pieces of mRNA and DNA from the food you ate recently. These foreign mRNA and DNA are similarly routinely destroyed. So the mRNA in the COVID19 vaccines does not and cannot persist but for some minutes in your body. The half-life of mRNA is 3 to 8 minutes. That means half the vaccine mRNA is destroyed each 8 minutes. After a couple of hours it is all gone. 

What about DNA vaccines such as the Johnson and Johnson? A very similar story, the half-life of naked DNA is about 16 minutes. What is more, neither the DNA or the mRNA from vaccines can interact with your carefully guarded DNA in the nucleus of your cells.

Many may still be concerned about long term side effects. This concern about vaccine side effects has been around since vaccines have been made. For instance, there are still concerns about long term side effects for vaccines that have been used for 50 years.  This highlights the problem with studying rare but real side effects of vaccines. It is likely that there will be concerns about these COVID19 vaccines 50 years from now.


What is one to do? Chinese medicine answers this question more readily. If you think that you are at risk for problems post-vaccination then see Dr. Hampton here at Helios (or see a good doctor of Chinese medicine). Through such information as pulse diagnosis, she can detect any energetic and/or organ dysfunction. Acupuncture and herbal medicine balance your system both physiologically and energetically to strengthen your body and help mitigate any long-term suffering from the vaccine.


While masks are no longer required in many settings they are still required in medical settings. We are still required to have all patients and staff wear masks. Please have your mask ready on entry to the building. The entire Helios staff is fully vaccinated. We are quite pleased that none of the Helios staff came down with Covid19. We continue to do all we can to keep Helios a safe place to receive your care.

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Pierre Brunschwig Pierre Brunschwig

April 2021 Newsletter

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Our hearts are broken from the trauma of the King Sooper’s shootings. We are at once supportive of our community and traumatized ourselves. We are so moved by the outpouring of love offered to south Boulder and realize that we are blessed that such love is here. I could go on but much has already been said. We are lucky to count among our patients 

Valarie Szarek who has consented to share her moving poem written in her grief of losing her friend in the shooting.

(3/22/2021 Boulder, Colorado)

I. My spring flowers
this year
Are for a grave
not a grave
A fence surrounding
a grocery store
Not a grocery store
a crime scene
Not a crime scene
ten crime scenes
A rapid-fire
of crime scenes
In the check-out line
not a line
A scream
a twisting fall

II. They are tulips
young and red
And everyone I try to
talk to talks about
Guns and angry men
and the dust is still
In the air
like ash from
A volcano
and they want to cast
Laws and I do too but
but today’s tears
Will become their own bullets
by tomorrow
If I don’t open
my own lips
And wail

III. They are red
and young
And I’m planning to hang them
as if they’ve done something
Wrong - leave them to
shrivel on a cyclone
Fence as though these deaths
will be a little less painful
As we watch something
else die - already
Cut from their source

I wrap their green
open stems in
Paper towel and water and plastic
thank them
Plead with them
to be brave
To hold strong

They have a lot of
work to do
— Valerie A Szarek


We are reluctantly saying good-bye to Vicki Edgington who has been our front desk facilitator extraordinaire. She will be sorely missed. (We considered chaining her to the front desk)

We are also happy to announce the addition of corpsman Marco Quintana, who will be training at the front desk starting in May. Marcos has extensive medical experience and training in the Navy.



Vaccination is happening at a rapid clip and many of you have taken advantage of our Myer’s cocktail protocol for lessening the reactions to the COVID vaccines. We have found that the Meyer’s cocktail is at once fortifying against stress and an immune boost. Perfect to be given just before and/or after a COVID19 vaccine. Let us know if you are interested in scheduling your pre-vaccine IV. Likewise let us know if you have questions about Myer’s IV nutrient formula.


Take advantage of Dr. Margaret Hampton’s Chinese Medicine skills to assess your energetics vis-a-vis  COVID19 vaccination. Chinese medicine can readily identify constitutional conditions that can put a person at more risk of having a lasting side effect of vaccination. Margaret can assess you for these constitutional susceptibilities prior to getting vaccinated. Furthermore, using acupuncture the day prior or the day of the vaccine unpleasant side effects can be abated or stopped in their tracks. Her clinical effectiveness rate for this treatment currently is at 95%!


We have a number of  our patients who have benefited from the neuro-restorative properties of intravenous  ALA. ALA infusions when given as a block of 9-12 IVs over 2-3 weeks can reduce pain, tingling and restore normal sensations to damaged nerves. It is most effective for metabolic nerve damage such as diabetes. It may also be helpful after surgery that decompresses nerves near the spine. We have seen it work on cranial nerves such as the auditory nerve to improve tinnitus.



For those of you who are concerned about dementia as you and your loved ones age, check out  this link regarding WAVI brain assessment and dementia. Brian Testing for Early Dementia and Alzheimer’s

We have started doing WAVI brain scans after a hiatus during the pandemic. For more information see our Website.

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Pierre Brunschwig Pierre Brunschwig

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March Newsletter

“3rd Wave News”


  • Vaccination update

  • Helios moving closer to opening clinic for Long COVID19 recovery

  • New treatment for tinnitus

The pandemic is not over! There is hope that life can emerge into our new and better normal though, this is not the time to let down our guard. We still need to social distance, avoid large groups, and wear masks. This virus is super wily and can produce a fourth wave of infection before we have enough Coloradans vaccinated. Helios is getting closer to full vaccination among its staff. Follow vaccination recommendations from the Boulder County Health Department. They have a summary of all the providers of COVID19 Vaccine with links to each.

Vaccine Updates


While Helios does not carry the vaccine. Here are the currently vaccine eligible groups

There is a website that has been designed to register you for a vaccine from pharmacies that have extra last minute vaccines available. In cases that they have no shows or cancellations due do getting a vaccine somewhere else before their appointment. The website is (This is not Helios’ Dr Brunschwig)


Colorado Covid Care- Treatment for long COVID

Helios is moving to start a clinic within a clinic for COVID19 long haulers, those who have lasting ailments after acute COVID19. We will keep you posted as our Colorado Covid Care clinic develops. For now if you know someone who has long COVID19 please have them get in touch with us.

New Treatment for Tinnitus

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Tinnitus is a frustrating condition as few treatments are successful. We are delighted to announce that we are having success with an infusion series of Myer’s cocktail and Alpha lipoic acid. We recommend checking an intracellular glutathione level prior to starting an IV series. If you have questions you can enquire with the Helios staff or book an appointment with either of our practitioners to get started.

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Pierre Brunschwig Pierre Brunschwig

Helios Third Wave Update- February 2021

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-Covid-19 vaccines- reducing side effects: Chinese medicine and homeopathy to the rescue

-Who is offering which vaccine to whom

-Helios Treats COVID19 Long haulers

We are receiving many reports of significant reactions to the new COVID19 vaccines. Most people will have local pain at the injection site. Some 40% of people will have systemic reactions including chills, sore muscles, headache, or fatigue. We have put together recommendations to minimize these reactions.

  • Take homeopathic thuja 1M 6 pellets just prior to vaccination and every 2-6 hours after vaccination.

  • If you develop systemic symptoms take homeopathic Oscillococcinum a dose every 4 hours as long as you need.

  • If you have an autoimmune disorder consider getting an IV infusion prior to the vaccination (Myer’s cocktail). This IV is helpful in decreasing inflammation and restoring normal adrenal and immune function.

  • See Dr. Margarets pre-vaccine recommendations from Chinese medicine.



Colorado is currently vaccinating the following groups:

1A» People who have direct contact with COVID-19 patients for 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period. » Long-term care facility staff and residents. 

1B.1 Coloradans age 70+, moderate risk health care workers, and first responders: » Firefighters, police, COVID-19 response personnel, correctional workers, and funeral services. » People age 70 and older.

  • Starting Friday, February 8th, the following group will also be offered vaccination

 1B.2 Coloradans ages 65-69, pre-K-12 educators and child care workers in licensed child care programs, and continuity of state government: » Child care workers in licensed child care programs, teachers (full-time and substitutes), bus, food, counselors, administrative, safety and other support services offered inside the school. » Members of the Executive and Judicial branches of state government. *note: members of the legislative branch have already received access to the vaccine »

*If you are eligible in the next phase of vaccination see the link below to find out how.


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Helios is treating post-COVID syndrome!

Over 10% of COVID19 sufferers are experiencing prolonged COVID symptoms. The most common of these are difficulty breathing, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, muscle aches, loss of smell/taste, and inability to be active. If you or someone you know is struggling to get back on their feet after COVID19 have them give us a call. 

Prevention and treatment of COVID Vaccine Side-Effects with Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

In an ideal world, everyone would be able to get acupuncture both before and after their COVID vaccine. Acupuncture treatments boost the immune system with measurable effects for 24-72 hours post-treatment. The better the immune system is functioning the more effective the vaccine is in creating anti-bodies to COVID. Let’s face it, we have all been under considerable stress for nearly a year whilst living during a pandemic. Long-term stress depletes our immunity and our immune response. A pre-vaccine acupuncture treatment will curb stress while dialing up your immunity.

Secondly, the COVID vaccine/s also can have you feeling a bit rough for a few days afterward as your body is hard at work creating anti-bodies to this nasty virus. From the site of the shot feeling like a “donkey kick” to fatigue, sore throats, and slight fever it can be hard to get on with life right away. Over-the-counter pain relievers are not recommended to take before or after the shot as it lowers the body’s immune response but fear not, help exists. Acupuncture increases blood flow which stops the pain and harmonizes the body’s immune response to mitigate these common side effects. A patient I saw recently the day after her shot was experiencing deep pain and decreased mobility in the arm of the injection site. We did a few needles down the channel from the sight and a few points to increase blood flow and she reported the pain was gone completely within three hours of the treatment. 

If you have concerns relating to your underlying health and receiving the vaccine we can take a deeper dive into healing your system, so you can feel confident in moving forward with vaccination and disease prevention. If acupuncture is not an option for you, I am also happy to recommend herbal supplements that can ease suffering and boost immunity as well. Call Helios to schedule with me!

Thank you! 

Margaret Hampton DACM

Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

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Pierre Brunschwig Pierre Brunschwig

Third Wave Update

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Third Wave Update


-COVID19 Vaccination

-COVID19 Rapid Testing

-Introducing Tamlyn Grace

-Lab Specials

Welcome to 2021

The Helios staff including myself has started COVID19 Vaccination. We are very excited to have begun the process that will eventually bring an end to the pandemic. We are equally excited to tell you that Boulder county public health department is well organized around the vaccination of the current tier of high-risk citizens. To find out if you are in this next phase of vaccination (1B) see the list below.

Individuals who have direct contact with COVID-19 positive patients for 15 minutes or more within a 24- hour period

  • Individuals who live or work in a long-term care facility

  • Moderate-risk healthcare workers with less direct contact with COVID-19 patients (e.g. home health, hospice, pharmacy, dental, etc.) and EMS

  • Adults 70+

  • First responders (Firefighter, police, COVID-19 response personnel, correctional workers, funeral services)

  • Frontline essential workers in education

  • Frontline essential workers in food and agriculture, and grocery

  • Frontline essential workers in the U.S. postal service, public transit, specialized transportation

  • Frontline essential workers in manufacturing

  • Frontline essential workers in public health, and direct care providers for individuals experiencing homelessness

  • Continuity of state workers: Essential officials from executive, legislative, and judicial branches of state government

  • Essential frontline journalists

If you are in any of these vaccine eligible groups then click on the link below and read the paragraph entitled 

“Phase 1B”. At the end of this paragraph, you will see a link: “sign up to be notified”. 

This link will allow you to register for vaccination. Be patient. The Health Department will assign you a place in the queue and notify you when you can make an appointment.

Boulder County is receiving the Moderna COVID19 vaccine. It is a higher concentration/dose of the mRNA than the Pziser vaccine. Both require two doses to be fully immune (a remarkable 95% effectiveness). It will make your arm sore at the vaccination site. Not infrequently recipients feel constitutional reactions like muscle aches, HA, swollen glands, fever, chills, and tiredness. This is a sign that your immune system has registered the vaccine information and started the process of building immunity. Though common, these symptoms are mild to moderate in nature and easily treated with acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen. 

I invite you to try taking homeopathic thuja available at the Apothecary as a way to help minimize the vaccine reaction.

COVID19 Rapid Testing

We are offering rapid COVID19 testing for symptomatic patients and those who have quarantined for 7 days and want to see if they are still infectious. Ask the office for an appointment for this contactless testing.

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Introducing Tamlyn Grace

Tamlyn Grace will now be available on Mondays for consultation at Helios!

Tamlyn, founder of Soaring Spirit Institute, is a kinesiologist who specializes in clearing blocks that keep you trapped in toxic health patterns, emotional stagnation, and unhealthy relationships. With 25 years of experience, she is masterful at drawing forth the truth that you buried behind your pain, shame, and the expectations of others. Once you free that block, you can express yourself more freely, feel more deeply, and celebrate life more joyfully.


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Pierre Brunschwig Pierre Brunschwig

Helios Third Wave Update



To improve test accessibility for our patients and protect our staff, Helios has acquired rapid Covid-19 testing. This test is excellent at detecting COVID-19 in the early stages of illness and it will bridge the testing gap until at-home testing is widely available. We are now offering it to those with symptoms suspicious for COVID-19. Contactless testing will be arranged after a brief teleconference with either of our practitioners. 

Cost of testing and Covid consult: $125

  • A swab kit, with instructions, will be available upon request (after Covid consult appt)

  • Kit will be placed outside of our building at the labeled window (West side of the bulding).

  • Patients can perform the swab at home or in their car.  

  • Sample swab will be returned to the same location as it was picked up.

  • Notify the front desk staff that your swab is ready for testing

  • A practitioner will call you with your results and further instructions

*This test is not intended for those seeking a negative COVID-19

test result for travel, work or school.

*It is also not intended to take the place of mask-wearing, social distancing, 

or any other precautionary measure.

We know that it will be many months before Coloradoans will be protected enough through vaccination to stop wearing masks and other preventive measures. We also know that it is unnerving to have symptoms and not know if it is COVID-19. 

Let us help you put your mind at rest or get you proper quarantine guidelines.


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Pierre Brunschwig Pierre Brunschwig

Covid News- The Third Wave


OK let’s start with the good news: 

1- Vaccine research delivered very good news; Moderna, Astra Zeneca, and Pfizer announced much better than expected (greater than 90%) vaccine protection from their COVID 19. There are also other vaccines in the pipeline. This could mean that vaccines will be available to almost everyone in late spring. 

2- The flu season is likely canceled this season, as long as we take precautions from COVID19  this winter. Australia’s and Argentina’s flu season disappeared because of mask-wearing and social distancing this summer. Covid 19 precautions are likely to greatly reduce our flu season in the northern hemisphere. 

3- We (the doctors) are getting better at treating severe COVID 19, and people wearing masks are likely getting less overwhelming amounts of coronavirus when they are exposed. This has greatly reduced the death rate of COVID 19. 

4- HELIOS is ready! We know that prevention is the best medicine and holds true for COVID19. Please take advantage of our intravenous Vitamin C program to create a super boost to your immune system and ward off viruses of all kinds. See our website for details.

5- Our onsight Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine offers many opportunities to help you optimize your immune system, reduce stress, and dial in your nutrition. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can treat imbalances before they become disease while strengthening your entire system. Additionally, the practical knowledge that exists in this ancient medical system is able to understand and offer solutions to the debilitating symptoms associated with COVID “long-haulers” months after the first diagnosis. 


Now for the sobering part:

Covid 19 is quickly getting out of hand in Colorado. It is likely we  have relaxed our social distancing and mask wearing enough to let the virus get to us. This can  be small things like having guests and not wearing masks, or congregating with relatives  indoors, going out with friends to restaurants. Until the vaccine is available, in perhaps 6  months, we will need to tighten up our pods (close family with which we don’t wear masks at home) and wear masks more consistently everywhere else. 

Please revisit our website news sections for  Helios preventative measures for COVID19. 

The Apothecary has put the COVID 19 preventive supplements into a package at a reduced cost of  $87.52 for all three items. The following are our recommended daily supplements for their immune-boosting and viral protection properties.

  • Perque Potent C Vitamin C: 1000mgs per tablet. 3000mg taken in 3 doses throughout the day (decrease if diarrhea occurs)

  • Xyomogen- NAC (N-Aceytl-Cysteine): 600mg Take 2 capsules at bedtime on an empty stomach                                                                                                

  • -Douglas Labs- Zinc Picolinate: 50mg per capsule. Take one daily with food

The Apothecary is an Austin Air Purifier distributor. These air purifiers are excellent, efficient, last forever, and nearly maintenance-free. 

Helios is adding the following precautions to make our office environment safer:

  1. All visits with Pierre Brunschwig or Deborah Breakell will be by phone or video. If you haven’t tried video conferencing just ask the front desk how it works. If we determine an in-person exam is absolutely needed we will be happy to schedule an office visit. 

    • IV (intravenous micronutrients) appt will be scheduled with respect to distancing. 

  •  Acupuncture visits will be scheduled to accommodate distancing, and you may be asked to enter and exit using an alternate route. 

  •  WAVI brain scans and Carotid intima-media thickness ultrasounds will continue to be scheduled with distancing respected.

2- Some of the staff will be working from home to decrease in-office traffic. 

3- The waiting room is closed, so when you arrive, come into the building, complete the questionnaire just outside our door. If there are others at the front desk, you will be asked to wait in your car or the building foyer. When the front desk area is clear we will call you to come in.

4- Most blood draws will be done at Labcorp. Because some tests cannot be done at Labcorp we will let you know in advance to schedule a blood draw at Helios.
5- The staff will be testing themselves for COVID19 more frequently. No staff member will be at Helios if they are not feeling completely well. To date, no staff member has tested positive for Covid-19. 

6- Apothecary is fully available through phone orders. We are happy to mail your orders or if you prefer you may pick them up during office hours.

7- We will continue to use extra air purification, take temperatures, and pulse oximetry readings prior to visits, use screening questionnaires, wear masks, and socially distance at Helios.  

These are trying times. We will stay abreast of all new medical information to help ensure your health during the pandemic. Please let us know if you have any questions.

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Pierre Brunschwig Pierre Brunschwig

Flu Vaccines, Covid Long-Haulers, and Air Purifiers

Preservative Free Flu vaccines are available at Helios

Regular dose is -$30

High Dose (Age 65 and over) - $78

*Influenzium Homeopathic Remedy- $10

*(Ask at the Apothecary)


An important number of COVID19 patients are struggling to recover weeks and months after falling ill.  Studies are starting to document the complexity and prevalence of COVID19 post-viral syndrome. Those who have put are referred to as long-haulers.

-Italian study showed of hospitalized COVID19 patients  87% had persistent symptoms 60 days after falling ill.

-German study found 78% of COVID19 patients had lingering heart symptoms 2-3 months post-infection.

-CDC published a report documenting 35% of COVID19 patients still had symptoms 3 weeks after diagnosis. Compare this to 10% after influenza.

-US study published in August found that 70% of patients had lingering symptoms fo shortness of breath and 13.5% still needed oxygen 4 weeks after discharge.

-CT scans of COVID19 patients show continued signs of lung damage 12 weeks after hospitalization.

While the lungs are the focus of the infection, long-haulers report a bewildering number of symptoms. Many of these symptoms prevent patients from returning to work and their lives fully. A Facebook support group for long-haulers has over 100,000 followers. 

Exhaustion and crippling fatigue in a study from Rome plagued 52% of COVID19 patients 2 months after leaving the hospital. A Chinese study found that number to be 13% after 3 months. In the first SARS outbreak, 22 survivors were found to have long-term fatigue 13-36 months after infection.  A separate SARS study found 40% had chronic fatigue.

Not all long-haulers are older as the average age is 44 years. Women are also disproportionally affected. This could be in part due to women’s higher sensitivity to low oxygen levels. Women also have higher rates of autoimmunity such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroid, and the like.

While we still have much to learn about COVID19 post-viral syndrome, conservative estimates of chronic problems following COVID19 could be in the hundreds of thousands of patients in the U.S. Long-term studies are underway to learn more about the nature and potential treatment for long-haulers. We do understand that much of the problem stems from damage to the lungs, heart, blood vessels, and immune dysregulation. It is also likely that latent viral infections “pig pile” on top of an already struggling immune system. Underlying chronic diseases are also made worse and critical nutrient levels fall in the wake of the inflammation wrought by the virus.

Integrated Medicine is uniquely positioned to help long-haulers’ address the complexity of their symptoms.  At Helios, we have had been treating post-viral syndromes for decades including reactivation of Epstein Barr virus, mononucleosis, West Nile virus, postherpetic neuralgia, Bell’s palsy, Guillaume Barre, and influenza. We are poised with an array of functional medicine testing to assess inflammation, hormones, GI  function, cardiac inflammation, brain function, and nutritional status. We also offer Ph.D. level Oriental Medicine. This gives us the means to personalize each treatment using combinations of medicines, nutrients, herbs, or intravenous nutrient therapy.

-Pierre Brunschwig, MD

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Chinese Medicine and the Treatment of Long-Term COVID-19 Sufferers

As the pandemic continues to linger on we are witnessing many people with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis experience debilitating symptoms for weeks and sometimes even months. The most common symptoms are: fatigue, shortness of breath, gastro-intestinal distress and cardiac abnormalities. It is well documented in several studies that patients whom receive a combination of traditional allopathic medicine with acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine have a reduction in the length and severity of symptoms.

Traditional Chinese Medicine as a holistic system is capable of treating both underlying cause, such as a weakened immune system, as well as the current expression of symptoms. Patented herbal medicines can be effectively used to heal tissues of the heart and lungs damaged by the virus. Moreover, there are powerful herbal remedies used to strengthen the body’s immunity and overall vitality. Many of the herbs I prescribe to strengthen the cardiovascular systems of our high-altitude athletes are on the documented list to help deliver more oxygen throughout the body to effectively combat common side-effects of long-term COVID-19 sufferers. 

Lastly, it is imperative that the diet of these “long-haulers” is designed to allow the greatest opportunity for recovery. Food and its method of preparation can be supremely beneficial when basic principles are utilized. For example, when the body is fighting any sort of virus or pathogen food must be prepared so as little energy as possible goes into breaking down the food (think soups and stews) with maximum nutritional load. The anti-viral and strengthening properties of garlic, ginger and honey with bone broths rich in minerals and vitamins provide the ammunition to defend and heal the body.  

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine offer a crucial, though often overlooked, roll in both prevention and treatment of COVID-19. The best medicine is that which keeps you well. Our minds need to firmly set on maximizing our immune strength, boosting our nutrition and digestion, and getting good quality sleep. For those that have lingering symptoms after recovery, carefully consider including Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture to expedite healing.

-Margaret Hampton DACM

Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Austin Air Purifiers

For removing forest fire smoke and virus from the air.

Use what  Helios uses!

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It has definitely been a smoky fall here in Colorado. With wildfires and airborne viruses as concerns for all of us, we have had a lot of questions regarding air purifiers. Helios is an authorized Austin Air sales site. We are able to order Air purifiers for you at a savings of $50 off MSRP. Currently, we are able to order three different full-sized (23”x14.5”x14.5”) Austin Air Purifiers depending on your needs. This size will filter a room or home up to 1,500 square feet. Each air purifier comes with one filter that lasts 5 years with normal use and comes in a color choice of black or sandstone. We are also able to supply replacement filters, please email the apothecary for pricing. See below for the purifiers offered. 

* Please note that currently fulfillment of air purifier orders is taking about 4 to 5 weeks. All orders require payment at the time of order. Prices listed are prior to applicable sales tax. 

For more information visit,

  • The Austin Air Allergy Machine® was developed specifically for people with asthma and allergies. Its unique design increases airflow, filtering allergens from the air immediately. The HEPA and HEGA filtration used in this unit is also highly effective at removing viruses and bacteria when they are airborne. This unit is also best for clearing smoke from the air.

Helios Exclusive Price $585

  • The Austin Air HealthMate® was designed to address your everyday air quality concerns. It removes a wide range of airborne particles, including viruses that are 0.1 microns and larger, bacteria, chemicals, gases and odors. The Austin Air HealthMate will significantly improve the quality of air in your home.

Helios Exclusive Price $545

  • The Austin Air Bedroom Machine® is designed to give you the ultimate protection against allergens, viruses, bacteria, chemicals and VOC’s. The results of two separate clinical trials show this unit to be highly effective at removing dangerous airborne pollutants from the home. Keep the air in your bedroom free from pollution and get the good night’s sleep you deserve.

Helios Exclusive Price $795

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