World Weary, Heart Open: Finding Joy in Troubled Times

The world often feels like a catalog of anxieties, from wars to warming to widening divides. Yet, amidst these worries, how can we find balance, joy, and a sense of agency?

5 Ways To Find Joy In Troubled Times

Open your heart, expand your view: Pir Elias Amidon, a Sufi teacher, and author of “Love’s Drum” proposes keeping an "undefended heart," embracing life's connections and beauty despite suffering. Thaddeus Golas echoes this, claiming we can only "expand" or "contract." Choosing expansion means opening our curiosity, even towards those we disagree with.

Find what matters in the moment: When anxieties contract us, Amidon suggests asking, "what matters here, in this moment?" This simple question shifts power from the worrying mind to the open heart, paving the way for "doing the beautiful."

Small acts, big ripples: David Brooks, an NYT commentator, exemplifies this in his approach to political discourse. With curiosity and vulnerability, he bridges divides, seeking understanding amidst discord. “What am I missing?” Help me to understand your view.” Sometimes the response to his question is rejection though many times it leads to something beautiful. These beautiful moments, though small, have a powerful ripple effect.

Beyond powerlessness: We are not powerless in the face of global challenges. As David Hawkins argues in "Power Versus Force," our individual actions and internal states of being have a compounding effect. Choosing expansion, from an open heart, has a compounding energetic effect.

Making it right, one heart at a time: Barbara Kingsolver's words resonate: "In a world as wrong as this one, all we can do is make things as right as we can." 

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